My ears have been busy! (Left ear version)

by Rebecca J on 2013-08-29

My left implant was turned on a week ago, and Iʼve gingerly been trying to learn how to listen with my left ear. It is slow going! Part of the trouble is that I still have trouble getting the processor to stick to my head, even with a super strong magnet. I just have too much hair. Itʼs like Iʼm a lion or something. On the day after Activation Day #2, I never got it to stick after 10 frustrating minutes and one messed up ponytail and decided to go processor-less for the day. Each day is a little easier to locate the sweet spot, and this morning was hardly any trouble at all.

The sound is still pretty quiet and muffled, which is to be expected. There have been times when the processor came loose, and I didnʼt realize it because the sound is almost imperceptible. I tinkered with the volume a little bit tonight, so maybe I will hear just a little bit better tomorrow and each day after.

Itʼs a little easier for me to accept that this is a slow process because Iʼve been through this once before and because Iʼm not utterly dependent on my left ear like I was with my right ear. I have one ear that works pretty well, so it only gets better from here, right? Someday, Iʼll have two ears that work better than ever, and the promise of someday is good enough for me.





