Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Surgery 2: The Surgery Strikes Back

Though it was not as exciting as my post title may sound, Rebecca had surgery today. Dr. Slater installed a cochlear implant in her left ear. We were not quite so apprehensive this time. We have, after all, done all this before.

Last October the hospital asked us to arrive at 8:00 am for a 10:30 surgery appointment. We got stuck in traffic and were rather late. Today, the surgery was scheduled to start at 8:00 am, so we had to be at the hospital at 5:30 am. Neither of us got enough sleep last night.

We did not have to wait very long because Rebecca’s was the first operation that her doctor performed today. We were not behind anyone so the doctor never had a chance to get behind schedule. Dr. Slater even told us he got to the hospital earlier than usual! After the same preparation as last time — Rebecca had to tell at least four people which ear was getting implanted — the hospital staff wheeled her away and directed me to the waiting room.

I did not bring a book today, but I brought my computer and watched an episode of The Prisoner. Rebecca bought me some Peanut M&M’s for old time’s sake so I snacked on those.

When Dr. Slater came out to report on the procedure, I had my headphones in. I think he may have called my name a few times before I realized he was there. He told me that everything went well, and that is it. I guess he assumed I remember everything he told me last October.

After another short wait the nurse came to get me and take me to Rebecca. She was resting in the post-op area. Her hair looked amazing, I thought. After the nurse unhooked everything, I helped Rebecca get dressed, then went to get the car. I met the nurse at the door, helped Rebecca into the car, and drove us home.

So, here we are. We received another miracle and we expect Rebecca’s hearing to continue to improve.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! You're officially done with the surgeries! Now just to continue to recover and reap the rewards of the process. Thanks for letting us all come along for the ride!
